Sunday, November 26, 2006


Now that I've posted what I want for Christmas, it's time to share my thoughts of gifts for others.

For my friends, I'm going with a "cozy" theme, which is pretty general, but easy to do, since I'm expected to give presents to at least 18 different friends. This means adorable hand-knit beanies from Peru, slippers (maybe these from Urban Outfitters, or something similar), convertible gloves, and cool scarves (I might stencil something on those plain jersey scarves you can get at American Apparel, or possibly vintage silk ones).

My dad will get some interesting spices and sauces from Williams Sonoma or Bristol Farm, as well as some CDs featuring , The Concretes, and Whirlwind Heat.

My brothers, they're boring and they'll get socks or gift certificates.

I haven't decided what I'll give my mom, but it'll probably be some form of clothing or accessories.

Other cool gift options that Eliza reccomends:
Personalized M&Ms.

iTunes 365 Calendar.

iPod DJ Station.

Anything from Stacey Lapidus

Croc-embossed high tops

Subscriptions to The Week, V
, or W.

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